26 03 2017

Be still

I'm sitting in an empty bus, staring thoughtfully through the dusty window at the green fields that roll by. The sun is setting and there is a peaceful glow about the landscape. Blossoming trees in white and lavender complement the yellow flowers of spring, which have been popping up out of nowhere over the past few days, the beautiful result of February's dreary rains.

As the bus slows, my eyes are drawn to a lonely swan. Drifting on the water, her slender head is completely buried in her own white feathers. She's motionless. I smile thoughtfully, and wish I could trade places with her.

Be still, and know that I am God. (Ps 46:10)

The phrase keeps coming to my head. The events of the past week flash through my mind. I've been busy: running to catch trains, stuffing my mouth with my lunch on the way to the next lecture, biking much too fast from one place to another. Even if my body happened to be still, my mind was always working, always analyzing.

Be still.

I feel God gently reminding me again:

Walk with me. Don't run around aimlessly; serve me joyfully. Do everything you do for me (Col 3:23). Mostly, take the time to be still. Quiet your restless thoughts. Know that I am God.

You have said, “Seek my face.”
My heart says to you,
    “Your face, Lord, do I seek.” -- Ps 27:8 (ESV)
Newer: Even the winter
Older: How will they know